It is reported men begin losing testosterone at 3-10% each year beginning around the age of 30 years. Medical professionals use the term andropause for the drop of testosterone and the development of troublesome symptoms, much like menopause in women. A male hormone replacement therapy, bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT), is available for Plano, Frisco and Dallas, Texas men at Medical Aesthetics of North Dallas. Our BHRT doctors offer hormone pellet therapy for andropause, hormone pellet therapy for muscle loss and hormone pellet therapy for low libido, to name a few.

BHRT is a Safe and Effective Male Hormone Replacement Therapy

As the natural testosterone levels drop in men as they age, symptoms of testosterone deficiency set in. These bothersome symptoms include fatigue, loss of muscle, low libido and difficulty achieving or sustaining an erection.

Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) is a safe and effective male hormone replacement therapy utilized by Medical Aesthetic of North Dallas’ BHRT doctors. At this time, there are minimal treatment options available to men for hormone imbalances. Many hormonal treatments are expensive, require daily consumption and, in many cases, need to be carefully timed with their partner’s needs for normal sexual activities and pleasure. In many cases, these hormonal treatment options for men do not last long-term.

BHRT is the only male hormone replacement therapy that provides lasting and consistent testosterone levels throughout the day. BHRT in a pellet system remains in a man’s system for 5-6 months so there is no more worrying about pills, patches or shots.

Testosterone and other hormone deficiencies in men can cause the following symptoms:

  • Fatigue
  • Depression
  • Low libido
  • Muscle loss
  • Joint pain
  • Weight gain
  • Mood swings
  • Poor memory
  • Loss of bone density
  • Low stamina

Hormone Pellet Therapy for Men

Hormone pellet therapy for men revolves around correcting and sustaining a certain level of testosterone, using the natural version of the hormone. The goal of BHRT in men is to correct low hormone levels and to restore the critical hormone balance in the body. Hormone pellet therapy can help eliminate or mitigate symptoms associated with aging, low testosterone and other hormonal imbalances in a safe and natural manner.

Male hormone replacement therapy includes:

  • Hormone pellet therapy for andropause
  • Hormone pellet therapy for muscle loss
  • Hormone pellet therapy for low libido

At a patient’s first visit at Medical Aesthetics of North Dallas, a simple blood test will be drawn to determine the accurate hormone dosage specific for each man’s body and needs. The insertion of the hormone pellets takes less than 30 minutes with minimal downtime and recovery. Men can expect to receive a correct, balanced dosage of testosterone each day, every day for up to 6 months. No more ups and downs in hormone levels.

For more information on male hormone replacement therapy and the use of hormone pellet therapy for andropause, contact the BHRT doctors at Medical Aesthetics of North Dallas located in the Plano, Frisco and Dallas, Texas area.